- Description
Click on the Part number to see part descriptionReplacement parts item descriptionWeightPart №kglb1. Top Subs with 3 O-Rings
4 1/2” API Reg. Pin4292.42. O-Ring Top Sub OD (1)In seal kit3. O-Ring Top Sub ID (2)In seal kit4. Check Valve Dart (with spring)0.51.15. Check Valve Spring0.10.226. Check Valve Guide0.71.547. Choke Set, Blank 1/8”, 3/16”, & 1/4”0.120.2648. Feed Tube Retainer Pin0.20.449. Tuning Ring for low volume (optinal)0.81.7610. Feed Tube With Retainer Pin and Blank Choke2.24.8411. Piston4292.412. Piston Case with Retainer Ring56123.213. Piston Retainer Ring0.20.4414. O-Rings Guide Sleeve & Bit Ret. (3)In seal kit15. Guide Sleeve with 2 O-Rings (#14)1124.216. Bit Retainer Ring w/O-Ring (#14)1.94.1817. Driver Sub1737.4Seal Kit1 piece of 2, 2 of 3 & 7 of 140.250.55Rebuild Kit1 piece of 1, 1 of 12, 1of 17 & Seal Kit
4 1/2” API Reg. Pin115253Complete hammer4 1/2” API Reg. Pin top sub32-5585-RMA/19CBit shankM80Bit shank identifcation chart
buttonsButton dia. mmWeightPart No.ShankmminchgaugefrontKglbM80Concave face / Spherical button M80200 7 7/8 3 9 18 18 41,0 90 42-88PE200-S48 203 8 3 9 18 18 41,0 90 42-88PE203-S48 216 8 1/2 3 9 18 18 42,0 92 42-88PE216-S48 219 8 5/8 3 9 18 18 42,0 92 42-88PE219-S48 222 8 3/4 3 12 18 18 49,0 108 42-888E222-S48 226 8 7/8 3 12 18 18 51,0 112 42-888E226-S48 229 9 3 12 18 18 53,0 117 42-888E229-S48 241 9 1/2 3 12 18 18 57,0 125 42-888E241-S48 251 9 7/8 3 12 18 18 57,0 125 42-888E251-S48 254 10 3 12 18 18 57,0 125 42-888E254-S48 270 10 5/8 3 12 18 18 61,0 134 42-888E270-S48 305 12 3 12 18 18 77,0 169 42-888E305-S48 Convex face / Ballistic button 203 8 3 9 18 18 41,0 90 42-88GE203-R55 216 8 1/2 3 9 18 18 42,0 92 42-88GE216-R55 222 8 3/4 3 12 18 18 49,0 108 42-88GE222-R55 Flat face / Spherical button 203 8 3 9 18 18 41,0 90 42-882E203-S48 216 8 1/2 3 9 18 18 42,0 92 42-882E216-S48 222 8 3/4 3 12 18 18 49,0 108 42-88KE222-S48 229 9 3 12 18 18 53,0 117 42-88KE229-S48 - Reviews