DS DTH Hammers

  • Drilling Supply DTH Hammers


    The DS DTH Hammer line is capable of being mounted on many different types of drilling machines that utilize a top head or Kelly drive mounting configuration. The drill rig must be capable of maintaining a sufficient amount of air pressure and volume, lubrication, torque. rpm, hold down and hold back.

  • Exhaust air from the hammer is passed through blowholes in the drill bit and is used to flush clean the drilled hole. Rotation occurs from drive motor at the top of the drill string; however, this is not to be confused with the rotary drilling method. Feed force is transmitted to the hammer via the hold down unit and the weight of the drill pipe. This Line is designed to allow the wear sleeve to be manufactured with increased wall thickness, thus extending the service life. The wear sleeve may also be reversed during operation, thus further extending its life by as much as 200%. This DTH hammer line is used in many different applications which include but are not limited to heavy construction, mining, oil and gas, quarries. and water-wet.

DS10 BR1 -
DS20 BR2 -
DS30 IR3.5 -
DS-A40 IR340A SD4, QL4
DS-A50 IR350R SD5, QL5
DS-A60 IR360 SD6, QL6
DS-A80 IR380 SD8, QL8
DS-A80-DW IR380 QL8
DS100 SD10 N100
DS120 IR112 SD12, N120
DS150 SD15 -
DS18 SD18 -
DS240 N240 -